Thursday, October 15, 2015

ember vs angular

My group at work launched a new Ember project, starting with a lot of group self-education.

We put a lot of thought into what framework we wanted, but there are some indications that following a corporate restructure, in the future we may be directed to align with the company in Angular. (But it's not certain yet.)

Up 'til now, Angular hasn't chimed for me. Ember sort of has. I'm not certain if that's an objective rating of the frameworks themselves, an utterly subjective view of what fits with my head better, or a matter of circumstance of why and how they came into my life: what learning resources I tried, and what kind of work I was asked to do in them. (For example, hacking datatables with a homebrew shim (for some custom "infinite scroll" behavior with irregular-height rows) in Angular was extremely painful; and given how good Angular is at looping and constructing tables on its own, kind of quixotic.)

I'm kind of hoping having done a deep dive in to Ember, I might better get my head around the whys and wherefores of Angular if I'm asked to get my mojo up in it. But off the top of my had, a few things I find more pleasing in Ember:
  • Angular occupies a weird space on the spectrum of "no infrastructure, but you have to get libraries or build everything you want to do" to "heavy infrastructure, little transparency, but we make it easy to do the things you'll likely want to do". Angular seems heavy to me: a lot to learn, many syntaxes, an overabundance of conceptual structures, etc. And based on the diversity shown in this angular 2 survey, you still have to pick plugins and libraries and learn there ins and outs as well. 
  • Ember prefers templating that uses different syntaxes for control structures and DOM markup. Angular prefers xml-ish "tags for everything!" - a similar issue I ran into with the JSTL in the JSP days. I really like there to be a clean distinction in syntax for things that are consumed at different times of processing.
  • Embers documentation seems cleaner and more direct than Angular's, and the ember-cli more comprehensive than Angular's dependency on external tools.
  • Ember has its act together with testing frameworks.
  • Both Ember and Angular are suffering from Version 2.0 growing pains but it seems a lot more painful on the Angular side.
  • Ember seemed to have a cleaner one stop solution for routing. I really think routing is one of THE biggest things frameworks might carry over frameworks, and the fact that it's optionalish in Angular seems odd to me now...  (I've done some one offs in jQuery that used hashtag navigation, but it's a huge pain to bolt-on if you don't start with a sane plan. That said, I still think handlebars plus hashtag navigation in jQuery gets you 2/3 of what people want when they start looking for a framework vs a library.)
  • Ember seems better at heading towards React-like one way data binding. I think Angular's love of shared global scope and automagic two way view/model syncing is known to be a bit inefficient at large scales and is weirdly jumpy-feeling compared to event based models - and also requires a particularly deep thinking about javascript's object paradigms when scoping and shadowing issues arise.
So, I want to be a good learner for whatever I'm asked to do. Angular is still pretty dominant in the field, and the libraries can be better than frameworks meme has not gotten enough traction for me to feel safe as its champion, or to stop second-guessing my fear that I prefer libraries because I've done so much small and focused work over my career. (While I think people get misled by thinking that all the work in jQuery has to be done via messy DOM manipulation, I also need to accept that there's a style of programming, not unlike VB back in the day, that just "happens" to use the browser as the output target, so I can let go of what I do know about updating things directly.) I guess my goal is that fabled day when someone will ask me to do a medium size multipage app, and it will obviously be much faster to churn out with an Ember or Angular or whatever I've been working on... I haven't gotten there yet.

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