Saturday, May 25, 2024

lifehacks to stay afloat

 I've been floundering with email for a few weeks now.

This morning I came up with an idea to try and gate things a little better: no tumblr (my favorite way of keeping up with the memes) til I'm at just about Inbox Zero. We'll see how it goes.

But one of the things that trip me up are these newsletters - Frontend Focus, Javacript Weekly ,'s bytes. Like on the one hand I'm grateful for these, 5 or 6 years ago I was really feeling out of the loop where frontend tech was heading - React sort of crept on to me - and now I feel much better informed.
But I still am disheartened, and a bit suspicious of the extreme complexity flavor of the month stuff. I think this video puts it kind of well: 

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