Saturday, February 8, 2014

Found this Perl script on a laptop I'm prepping to hand over...  I remember hacking it together, a simple "what folders are in one folder but not the other", kind of a half-baked folder sync.


$dir1 = $ARGV[0];
$dir2 = $ARGV[1];

@a = getFilesInDir($dir1);
@b = getFilesInDir($dir2);

print "In $dir1 ::\n";
foreach $thing (findElementsInANotB(a,b)){
print "$thing\n";

print "--\n";

@a = getFilesInDir($dir2);
@b = getFilesInDir($dir1);

print "In $dir2 \n";
foreach $thing (findElementsInANotB(a,b)){
print "$thing\n";


@a = ("1","2");
@b = ("2","3");

sub getFilesInDir {
my($dirname) = @_;
my $file;
my @files;
opendir(DIR,"$dirname") or print "can't open $dirname";
while(defined($file= readdir(DIR))) {
if($file ne "." && $file ne ".."){
push @files, $file;
return @files;

sub findElementsInBoth{
my($refA, $refB) = @_;

my @a = @$refA;
my @b = @$refB;
my %hashB = ();
my @result = ();
my $thing;

foreach $thing(@b){
$hashB{$thing} = 1;
foreach $thing(@a){
push @result, $thing;
return @result;

sub findElementsInANotB{
my($refA, $refB) = @_;

my @a = @$refA;
my @b = @$refB;
my %hashB = ();
my @result = ();
my $thing;

foreach $thing(@b){
$hashB{$thing} = 1;
foreach $thing(@a){
if(! defined($hashB{$thing})){
push @result, $thing;
return @result;

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