Tuesday, February 21, 2023

thinking about the reputation of unit tests

Sometimes in my recent round of job interviews, I would let it be known that I have an unpopular opinion- that unit tests - while useful - are overrated.  Based on the reaction I get from people -- and some biased googling I do -- it feels like I've stumbled into a bit of an Emperor's New Clothes situation - many coders seem to agree with my sentiments, but are reluctant to say so, because there is a larger group of influential people - either coders or managers - who I assume would say I'm spouting lazy and reckless nonsense.

Here are some ways I have of putting it:
  • An extreme focus on unit tests - especially at the cost of distracting from or replacing higher levels of testing, or assuming "% lines tested via unit tests is another word 'code quality'" is like obsessively inspecting all your individual Lego Bricks for cracks and defects. Yes, it's important to be building with solid bricks, but honestly that's not where the problem in your structure is going to show up! 
  • Bugs are EMERGENT properties of systems. A well designed unit should be just about "too small to fail" (It's a little bit like trying to solve a biochemistry problem by thinking about the physics of atoms, or an economics problem as chemistry. (since economics comes from psychology comes from neuroscience comes from biochemistry comes from chemistry comes from atomic physics.) Like some times the underlying levels ARE the best way of thinking of a problem, but often the issue is at a less fine-grained level.
  • The problems I see actually show up in production are coders coding along the "happy path" - and then that same "happy path" is what is baked into the setup of the unit test. (I wish instead of testing the units, we had much more emphasis on firming up the contract between the unit and its environment...) 
  • And as for coders writing their own tests - it's very difficult to persuade someone to do a really focused search on something they don't really want to find - i.e. flaws in their previous work.
  • Unit tests that are too fine grained are at risk for confirming a specific implementation vs actual functioning. A good unit tests confirms that refactoring preserves functionality, but if you're too hung up on verifying "it internally solved the problem this specific way" you lose that benefit.
  •  If that's the only testing you're doing it's like inspecting 100 trees and saying "yup, I know this is a good forest with a safe path"  
  •  Unit Tests tend to be an easy metric, with tooling set up to see which lines get hit in a unit test (a metric that is less common to be derived from higher level tests). So it's a bit like the drunk guy looking for his dropped car keys and is looking for them under the streetlight instead of where he dropped them down the street "because that's where the light is good". (Also, to be fair, unit tests are more reliable in setting up their little fakey mock-up worlds than higher levels of tests.)
But despite these views, I can't afford to be "That Guy", the perennial pain in the butt about it. When unit tests are some of the music I'm being paid to dance to, I will absolutely work to boogie down in the way my coworkers think wise, and put effort into making the same kind of test writing decisions I think that they would make. 
Plus, I also understand there are many possible benefits to unit tests and the accompanying mindset - it can get a coder to think more clearly about the inputs to the thing, it can make future refactoring feel safer, etc. There's definitely some strengths in a "test first" kind of mentality. (And I pride myself in reliable code... I am a very incremental coder, making sure each bit is solid before moving on. But my default habit would be to throw out those inputs and outputs I did developer testing with, while I think the fervent unit testers' impulse is to preserve that data in amber to make sure nothing changes out from underneath it.)
(And to be fair, I mostly do UI. And the best things to unit test are "functional" - clearly defined inputs and outputs. I.e. No Side Effects. But honestly, UI is all about the side effects! I.e. the side effect of what is on screen to the user. (And the flip side of that is like the one quote about how menu commands were essentially uncontrolled "goto" statements all over your code...)
And when I heard my manager's manager say "well we expect as unit coverage increases, the number of incidents in production will go down accordingly" I had to bite my tongue... there are SOME cases where the unit is indeed busted and not acting according to its apparent spec, but again, the real world bugs I witness are happening as the units are unhappy in their used context... (I'm always encouraging teams to keep a collective log about production bugs - why did it happen, and was there a unit test that would have caught it?)

I liked Mark Talbot's answer to the Quora "Why do many programmers think that unit testing is not worth it?" - in part -
The problem is that as soon as you replace some dependency with a stub or mock, you are no longer testing the system in the same way it works in production. All you have done is assume that your stub/mock behaves in the same way as the dependency it is replacing (at least as far as the unit under test is concerned) and then write your tests based on that assumption. But it is not valid assumption. If I come along and modify the real dependency (maybe it’s some 3rd party library that I’m upgrading) I have no idea at all whether your code really works with the new dependency, because all the calls to it in the unit tests are stubbed out. (And I’m not going to check all 500,000 lines of code manually - what is the point in automated testing if I need to do that?)

Or as I just recently put it: Unit Tests test Mocks more than they test your Units

See also some bits I grabbed on Joel Spolsky on Complete Test Coverage...
Since some of the people who are STRONG unit test advocates are pretty sharp - probably smarter than I am, to be honest -  I have to hope it's one of those "different ways of looking at the world" things - Douglas Hofstadter writes on holism vs reductionism and I think it's a good example of that - reductionists assume life is mostly a matter of making sure each part does it's little isolated job. But in general, I'm always more concerned about interactions from bringing those job workers together - so I think unit tests are not worth the esteem with which they are held.

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