Friday, August 4, 2023

interesting articles from the firehose

 I'm behind on my email, but I subscribe to a few good newsletters... JavaScript Weekly, TLDR, TLDR Web Dev, Frontend Focus.

I used to ask "how did you find out about technology X?" of some of my more with-it peers, and now that problem is somewhat cracked for me, but replaced by a bit of a firehose of potential things to read.

Anyways, as I play catch up a bit here is a set of links that caught my eye:

5 Inconvenient Truths about TypeScript - I especially am aware of "3", where once you are talking about communicating with systems out of your little TS world, many bets are off, and you may have a false sense of security that that integer you got from the API couldn't possibly be a string, and so you can use the "+" sign freely.. . (I would add a sixth... I find the way Typescript and React wraps the legacy DOM stuff  (HTMLInputElement and events etc)  to be complex and a bit bizantine - when a property slips, the error messages or warnings are super hard to track down, though VS Code tools to reformat the warnings can help)

interesting YCombinator conv on leaning more on what is built into EcmaScript , which might be part of a move away from frameworks, or to lighter weight ones.

node best practices -  lot of quick hits with links to deep dive.

Elon Musk's "X" was on the verge of "dark mode only" - I didn't engage much with Twitter but appreciated its former town square plus communicate with famous people or brands directly option, but now I'm usually there by accident. Still... saying dark mode is "better in every way" is categorically false, since people with astigmatism can find it leaving dancing lines of brightness on their retinas. But it is cool, so it's not surprising that a guy who has been trying to name things "X" for decades was on board.

10 answer templates for tough non-tech interview questions - I wonder if I'm too quick to put my cards on the table in terms of salary...

Understanding React Server Components - I'm slightly wary about Vercel who are really working to be the default host for this stuff. Also lines like "The beauty of RSCs is that you don’t really need to know fully how they work to take advantage of them." I guess that's a better attitude than "the EJB development team will generally consist of 5 people" (or some such) from an EJB book I had back in the day, but there's still this smell of overcomplexity of it all to me. (UPDATE: actually here's a better intro to React Server Components)

I'm betting on HTML - HTML itself is getting more powerful (and even more style-able)

If Web Components are so great, why am I not using them? - spicy takes - snickered at "AMP is just one storyline in The Lost Decade of Web Development"

Tailwind, and the death of web craftsmanship - I feel like I hadn't heard much about Tailwind until this year, but when I did it was in the context of the standard everyone was getting a little bit sick of. And I've seen it listed for some employers, as a nice to have. But after reading this article, it confirms my suspicion about how far folks will go just to avoid plain old CSS. I know I'm a little biased towards stuff that runs in the browser natively, and doesn't require a build, and this kind of thoughtful article reinforces that bias I'm afraid.

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