Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again - really very thoughtful piece:

The crux of my raging hatred is not that I *hate* LLMs or the generative AI craze. I had my fun with Copilot before I decided that it was making me stupider - it's impressive, but not actually *suitable* for anything more than churning out boilerplate. Nothing wrong with that, but it did not end up being the crazy productivity booster that I thought it would be, because *programming is designing* and these tools aren't good enough (yet) to assist me with this seriously
The thing is, in an age where frontend programming libraries and toolkits have just EXPLODED like mushrooms and we have more "flavors of the month" than a Baskin-Robins in a timelapse, "churning out [customized!] boilerplate" is an enormously helpful thing.

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