Tuesday, July 2, 2024


I appreciate Chris Ferdinandi's "Go Make Things". He's a kindred soul to me shaking my head about how needlessly complex web development has gotten. (Maybe I should also take his lead on web components...)

But I really appreciated Evergreen tech is an asset (and dependencies are a liability).
For so many apps and sites, there just isn't that much the front end needs to do that core browser tech doesn't handily provide...

Maybe I should lean on the framing of "evergreen". It almost seems like a contradiction for "tech", but the fact is there are conservative low-turnover parts of tech and edge-y high-turnover parts prone to flavor of the month, and the latter doesn't have as many benefits as many in the industry seem to assume. Someone once said, the Internet just has one big trick, getting information onto and off of someone else's server, and PHP and browser-native tech does that very well, and even in attractive ways if you know how to work it.

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