Sunday, August 11, 2024

throwback thu--sunday

Two articles I found relevant about how the computer scene of the 1980s is reflected today:

Clive Thompson on Back to BASIC. There seem to be a lot of engineers now who don't understand the run-eval loop that BASIC and Lisp used has tremendous power in keeping development dynamic and transparent, which is why it lived on and gained such traction with JS.

Anna Washenko on From Infocom to 80 Days: An oral history of text games and interactive fiction. That old Infocom parser was such a mind blower back in the day; able to parse moderately complex sentences and even have a sense of context ("Which book do you want to open, the green one or the red one?") at a time when other programs were all like "GET SWORD", "KILL DRAGON" was amazing. I wonder how LLM might come to play in this space, I know there have been some attempts to get one to play "DM" for a one person campaign...

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