Thursday, October 17, 2024

frank m taylor on front-end development

Spoilers from the ending of Frank M Taylor's spirited, foul-mouth  Rant about Front-end Development:

  • Think and care about the content first. Because that’s what the users care about. Assume the users’ interests are more important than your own.
  • Quit acting like CSS is some giant-ass mistake that needs fixing. A group of people who were collectively smarter than us wrote those specs. They didn’t make mistakes. Assume you are making the mistake, not them.
  • Server-side rendering was not invented with JavaScript and it doesn’t have to be implemented with JavaScript. There are many ways to render content on a server. Assume non-JavaScript solutions existed first.
  • JavaScript either is neither the God-send nor the hell-spawn for your project. It is a tool which you can choose to use incorrectly. Learn when JavaScript is the right tool for the job.
  • Quit doing hard things for simple problems. Quit doing things that are degrees of difficulty harder than the problem. When a problem presents itself, look for multiple solutions, and then choose the simplest one. Assume the simplest solution is the best one.
  • Quit chasing the new and shiny in your day job. I, too, am excited about the new and shiny. But I put a 2-year buffer between me and prod because I don’t want to be the person to have to discover browser bugs, framework bugs, or even compiler bugs. 

 I think my main point of disagreement comes earlier in the article: "The new and shiny is fun for side projects. It is not for production." I think the new and shiny is for self-education only - at least if your side project is something you want to maintain over the years. Writing something in a toolkit you barely understood and then never used again is not a recipe for something you can fix and grow later.

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