An architect was mentioning some counts of eslint-disables in our code base, and I wanted to take a closer look.
(I know different devs have different intuitions about the criticality of some of these rules: I know for me, if there's a trade off between "concise, more readable code that keeps attention to what's actually new" vs "well-enforced lint standards and rigorously enforced strong typing at every level that MIGHT help turn a runtime error into a buildtime problem", I lean towards the former.)
I started by recursive grepping for those lines, and putting them into a .txt file so future steps would be faster:
grep -r "eslint-disable" | grep -v node_modules/ > ~/raw.txt
I then used CoPilot to come up with a node.js script to break up the lines and do counts by subproject in the monorepo:)
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
// Create a read stream for raw.txt
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream('raw.txt');
// Create an interface to read the file line by line
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fileStream,
crlfDelay: Infinity
// Initialize the counts and totalCounts objects
const counts = {};
const totalCounts = {};
// Process each line
rl.on('line', (line) => {
// Split the line on whitespace
const sections = line.split(/\s+/);
const regex = /\.\/([^\/]+\/[^\/]+)\//;
const match = sections[0].match(regex);
if (!match) {
console.log(`NO MATCH FOR ${line}\n`);
const appOrLib = match[1];
const offset = sections.findIndex(section => section.startsWith('eslint-disable'));
if (offset === -1) {
console.log(`NO MATCH FOR ${line}\n`);
} else {
// Join the remaining parts on " ", ignoring "*/"
const remainingParts = sections.slice(offset + 1).filter(part => part !== '*/');
const joinedParts = remainingParts.join(' ');
// Split each remaining part on "," and treat them separately
const finalParts = joinedParts.split(',').map(part => part.trim());
// Initialize the appOrLib object if it doesn't exist
if (!counts[appOrLib]) {
counts[appOrLib] = {};
totalCounts[appOrLib] = 0;
finalParts.forEach(part => {
const key = part || '[EMPTY]';
if (!counts[appOrLib][key]) {
counts[appOrLib][key] = 0;
// Print the counts object when done
rl.on('close', () => {
for (const appOrLib in counts) {
console.log(`${appOrLib}: ${totalCounts[appOrLib]}`);
const sortedKeys = Object.keys(counts[appOrLib]).sort((a, b) => counts[appOrLib][b] - counts[appOrLib][a]);
sortedKeys.forEach(key => {
console.log(`\t${key}: ${counts[appOrLib][key]}`);
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