Tuesday, April 28, 2020

es6 goodness

Prepping for job interviews, you become aware of the overlap between things you use on a regular basis (even daily) and things you might still get caught up on feeling the pressure of an interview... if you're a cautious, highly-iterative programmer like I am, there's a lot of knowledge you don't quite have in your head, but you know the basic idea and even the gotchas and you carefully test and move forward.

Anyway, I'm reposting Amber Wilkie's Everything I learned from ES6 for Everyone, which along with ECMAScript 6 - New Features: Overview & Comparison are great reminders of how not to look like an old JS fuddy-dud - lots of examples showing the old and new way of doing things.

I do think I need to up my game in staying up with hackernews and what not - ECMAScript is still evolving though mercifully the "big bang" of ES6 seems singular.

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