Sunday, May 24, 2020

interesting post roundup

After this last round of job interviews, I want to be paying more attention to trade articles and what not. And it seems to make sense to post them here, even though part of me says "well shouldn't people just go to sources I got them from?" But this blog can both A. serve as a curation for other people (honestly there's a lot of stuff especially on Medium that feels a little questionable) and B. this blog has always been notes for my future and present self - future self for the obvious "in case I think of it and want to find it" and present in the sense that maybe making a link will help me remember the article in the first place.

So I'll stop apologizing for blogging, and get on with it...

Stop Writing Reusable React Components has a great point, that pre-engineering for reusability is often counter-productive. (It reminds me a bit of my anti-"buy" lean in make vs buy; sometimes using a toolkit just for one part of its featureset is like buying a whole house because you loved the modern kitchen.) Also, I'd say if the choice comes between "reusable but complex enough it well-justifies its unit tests" vs "a one-off simple enough that there's not much that can go wrong", i.e. few moving parts, choose the latter. (And amusing third hand line from the article:  To steal a line from Chantastic over at React Podcast, my code was “so DRY it chaffed.”) (here's sort of a counter-argument, or maybe a case in point; what are components doing where it would be worth handling overrides vs letting people make their own bespoke copy?)

Why You Should Be Storing Remote Data in a Cache (and Not in State) seems a pretty good answer to a question I've been thinking about, where to put data if you're not using a central store ala Redux or MobX... this pattern basically has a key of the ajax request, caches the result, and then has components rerender if the value returned from the server is different.

Learning a bit about tagged templates in this piece on styled components - boy, I am not sure "tagged templates" pull their weight - yet another damn bit of syntactic sugar to learn, with oddly crude implementations - but maybe I just haven't seen their sweet spot yet.

Other things: Verdaccio is an easy way of running a local npm repository.

How to use Sass and CSS Modules with create-react-app is just what it says on the tin - great when you want to have safe and modular CSS via Sass.

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