Thursday, December 21, 2023

two flavors of hacks

Earlier this year I put up a website for people in my community street band to store group photos. I used the metaphor of a "shoebox", something you can throw stuff into without worrying about the hierarchy or structure. 

The first pass I put up this summer was super barebones, just a form to upload a batch of images and give the batch a date and attach some other metadata (event descriptions / people shown, if it's "best of", etc) Then the gallery was just all the raw photos on a giant page.

The band threw a holiday party, and at the last minute decided to have a projector with photos showing. I hadn't really set things up for a slideshow - but my buddy's Window laptop had a slideshow feature, so hack #1 one was that by saving the big page as "Webpage, Complete" we had a single big folder with all the images, and could then let the local viewer do its thing.

Seeing the photos from ten years of activist and community banding were emotionally resonant, so I was inspired to push a little further... I used Imagick to build a simple resizer for thumbails in PHP:

        $image = new Imagick($originalFile); 

        $d = $image->getImageGeometry(); 
        $w = $d['width']; 
        $h = $d['height']; 

        $max = 150;

        if($w > $max || $h > $max){
            if($w > $h) {
            } else {


Ran that against the existing images and put it into the upload flow. 

Once I had that, I made a new thumbnails gallery - much better download times...

But I thought I could do better with the slideshow aspect - so enter hack #2, I liked the idea of a 2 dimensional display of all the thumbnails (I took the squareroot of the image count to figure out how many to display across) that would pick an image at random, pan across the other images to it, and then zoom in. I made it as a p5 canvas webapp. (All the source is embedded in the page) It runs a little timer and just goes from image to image, or you can override that with the arrow keys. Plus it displays the metadata from its batch upload, so you have a sense of the date and event that the Windows slideshow lacked.

When things settle down, I might refactor and make a more reusable version of this. I think panning across a bunch of small thumbnails is really evocative.

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