Wednesday, November 28, 2018

&& short-circuiting considered harmful... or at least, a little weird

I've never adored the && short-circuit operator, where if you write
A && B
and then A is false, B is never evaluated (or if a function, never called)

To me the short circut always felt like a weird, overloading side effect of "parsing this in left to right order", even though it's just such a cute and concise thing to do its become a standard. But when I think about parallelization, it seems like && reduces parallelization, like you can't run the second part in parallel (at least if there are any side effects) since you might end up not having to do so if the left part succeeds. (Of course if you are in a heavenly pure functional program wonderland, you have nothing to fear!)

My discomfort might come from how it breaks with other forms of boolean logic - like in logic, there's kind of a commutative property -
is the same as
but that is absolutely not the case in this style of programming.

Thinking about it more, I wish there was something that looked more like the ternary operator, like
shouldDoSomething && doSomething()
is less clear in its intent than
shoudDoSomething ? doSomething() : null;

Still, I'm kicking against the sticks. The hip kids really dig things that are that cute and concise and it's a pretty well-established pattern.

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