Friday, May 17, 2024

BASIC and this one weird trick with line numbers

Happy Birthday BASIC - it just had its 60th birthday.

Sometimes I say Perl taught me 5 big things, after taking up C in college: maps, first class strings (vs C character arrays), duck typing, regular expressions, and not having to micromanage memory. But really, BASIC was my exposure to 3 of those things!

Famously Dijkstra said

It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.

Pretty rough talk! Though he may have been talking about a particularly primitive flavor of it.

Line numbers are probably the thing most reviled - certainly they don't encourage modular thinking the way named subroutines do, but as my friend Jeremy "SpindleyQ" Penner pointed out, they are at least a good way to getting new (and young!) programmers to understand the step-by-step thinking that is critical to writing programs. (I remember seeing a listing of Amiga BASIC and was blown away that it had no line numbers! Also it reminds me that 8-bit computers had weird flavors of "full screen editing" - line numbers were a way of managing the program listing structure in an age before text editors were always available.)

One trick you heard while learning BASIC in the 80s - number by 10s, so that you can easily insert code before or after a specific lines. Weirdly this came in handy when I was creating my 50th Birthday comic book - it started as a bunch of standalone thoughts, which I turned into comic panels (and later grouped into 4 sections). I had a rough idea of the ordering, and so I started each file name with a 3 digit multiple of ten ("010-BEGINS-TO-BAND.png", "020-FIXED-MINDSET.png") etc, so that the filesystem could easily show me the ordered list.  (I'm not sure if writing in all caps was another nod the old 8-bit computer days.)

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